Both reflective and active

The ancient family of Quechua languages of the South American Andes is in a precarious situation; declining not because of numbers of speakers as such, but because of impediments to intergenerational transfer. Gabina’s research endeavours to understand the history and context of the ‘fading’ Quechua language, studying and and adopting strategies that attempt to maintain and revitalise Quechua. As part of the her research study, she visited several global locations: Cusco, Paris and New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia, drawing upon sociolinguistics, ethnographic methods to analyse how people use a range of strategies to grow the Quechua language.

As a Peruvian whose knowledge of the Quechua language and heritage was blocked by well-meaning parents who saw Spanish as the road to success, Gabina embodies the intergenerational problem in her research. She also directed and produced the documentary Mother Tongue, which was intimately tied to her ongoing research in theory, method and practice. Inviting Quechua speaking teachers, artists, media practitioners and institutions to participate in the film and respond to it enabled them to become allies in the objective: the promotion of Quechua as an attractive, interesting and vital language for future generations.

Conference Presentations

Funegra, G. (2019)
Presentation of experiences as new paths for the reaffirmation of identity and languages.

Collaboration between the Regional Congress of Indigenous Languages for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Ministry of Culture of Peru, UNESCO and the Working Group for the International Year of Indigenous Languages.
25–27 September. Cusco, Peru.

Funegra, G. (2019)
Methodological file: Promotion and research of the Quechua Language.

The Symposium provides a space to discuss research on Indigenous Languages of the Americas and current initiatives to promote them with scholars and indigenous language advocates during the ‘Week Celebration of Indigenous Languages'.
6 October, Penn University. Philadelphia, USA.

Funegra, G. (2019)
Importance of visual as part of an academic research.

The Sydney Centre for Language Research at The University of Sydney and the Foundation for Endangered Languages joined forces at the International conference for causes of language endangerment.
14-16 December,, The University of Sydney, Australia.

Funegra, G. (2016)
Filmmaking to advocate and revitalize language.
The 1st Annual Symposium Language and Cultures of Latin America (ILCLA) in conjunction with the 3rd Annual Symposium on teaching and learning indigenous languages of Latin America (STILILLA).
The Ohio State University, USA.

Funegra, G. (2012)
Quechua, an endangered language. Language Endangerment in the 21st century.
The Foundation for Endangered languages, Te Ipukarea – NaHonal Māori Language Institute. Auckland, New Zealand.

Funegra, G. (2012)
Quechua, el desvanecimiento de la lengua inca.

Encuentro Intercultural de la Literatura, Palabras de los Pueblos Amerindios. Lima, Peru.

Funegra, G. (2011)
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito.
The Foundation for Endangered Languages XV Annual international Conference.

Peer Reviewed Papers

Funegra, G. (2015)
The Music of Quechua. The Music of Endangered Languages. In N. Ostler & B. Lintinger (Eds).
The 19th Annual Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages, New Orleans, USA.
Read publication

Funegra, G. (2014)
Noqanchis Magazine: Using print media to promote Cool and Quechua in Cuzco. In P. Heinrich & N. Ostler, (Eds).
Indigenous Languages: their Value to the Community. The 18th Annual Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages, Okinawa, Japan.
Read publication

Funegra, G. (2011)
Language and Identity: The Shifting Face of Quechua in Peru. Endangered Languages: Voices and Images. In Haboud, M. & Ostler, N. (Eds).
The 15th Annual Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages. Quito, Ecuador.
Read publication


SBS Radio 
In 2012, Gabina was interviewed by SBS Radio for a second time about her research into the decline of Quechua.
Listen to the interview

ABC Radio National 
In 2011, Gabina was interviewed by ABC Radio National on "Lingua Franca". The program was titled "Quechua in Huallanca, Peru".
Listen to the interview

UNSWTV Digital Channel for UNSW Sydney
In 2010, UNSWTV produced a four minute film about the making and success of Gabina’s first documentary, “The Fading Inca Language” (2010). The video by UNSWTV was featured on the homepage of the UNSW website.
Watch UNSWTV short film

SBS Radio 
In 2010, Gabina was interviewed by SBS Radio about her research into the decline of Quechua.
Listen to the interview

Articles about

Spanish Teachers' Association NSW  2011
Boletín informativo bimensual
Read article

UNSWorld 2010 
University of New Wales publication  
Read article

Articles by

Voces Hispanas 2010
Consejería de educación, pages 42–43
Embajada de españa en Australia.
Read publication

Voz Carmelitana 2008

Revista Institucional.
El Desconocimiento de mi Tierra.
Read publication